Social Media
Hopefully you’ll find your groove just at the right time. You’ll become the success story. Hang tight. Believe in y…
So what do you do if you can’t figure it out? You’ve got to try try try again. #actors #entrepreneurs
If you have the talent and the drive, sooner or later, someone is going to take notice. Hang in there. #actors #entrepreneurs
Are you viable and properly positioned for #voiceover representation? Join us to understand how to maximize your po…
As a kid, I envisioned it. As a career, I’m lucky enough and honored to do it. Always searching for a STAR. Please…
I'm hosting “Instincts of a Talent Agent Entrepreneurial Giveaway Spectacular.” $1000 in prizes from #voiceover tri…
RT @EarBlowingAudio: 🔊 🆙 Who wants to be 1 of 3 winners to score $1000 in prizes? It’s goin’ down during the “Instincts of a Talent A…
“Instincts of a Talent Agent; Entrepreneurial Giveaway Spectacular!” with guests @EarBlowingAudio and @RiderVOs. 3…
Attention #entrepreneurs: My former WME colleague, Krista Parkinson, is an entertainment job expert, helping target…
If your creative wheels are spinning over the weekend preparing to seize all opportunities on Monday morning, you’r…
Dave Elvin just shared a perfect promo/trailer tag for work he does for AXN in Asia... . If Dave's spot piques you…
I didn't know Chip as I was a few years older and missed him in H.S. but knew his family and looked forward to read…
It is always incredibly exciting when a performer does an amazing job narrating a series but it is even better when…
Looking forward to "Let's Get Down to Business" on Wednesday hosted by Alan Shires with agents @voiceoversoho &…
More announcements from ACM Talent today as @TrailerVoices is promoted to the Director of Promos, Trailers and Narr…
I'm so proud to announce that Erik Seastrand who has been one of the most influential #VoiceOver agents in our busi…
( realize that cell phones can be spotty in some locations but if you are a #VoiceOver performer you want to have t…
As #voiceovertalent has more time than ever, every performer should be focusing on honing their reads especially i…
With all economic problems facing the nation, #VoiceOver performers and #vo reps have to realize how fortunate we…